Friday, March 16, 2007

Tired, tired, tired

I am the sleep queen. Therefore, I get grumpy when I don't get my 8 mandatory hours of shuteye.

I've been surviving on only 5-6 the past two weeks, darn it! I'm not functioning! I can't even write creatively.

Have been listening to Destiny's Child's "Emotions" so many times I'm amazed my colleagues haven't gone stark raving mad and grabbed me and chucked me out the window in a song-overdose-induced rage. Can't help it. It's a beautiful song. Try to imagine doing the rumba to it everytime I switch it on.

Unfortunately, when I try to picture dance in my mind, I have to shut my eyes and concentrate. That makes me look like I'm asleep... while sitting at my desk not 10 metres away from the boss. Not good.

It's Friday FINALLY. Thank the Lord! But I still have that darned report to hand in by end today. Darn it. Can I pay someone to do it for me? My mind is really not functioning anymore.

Let's listen to Emotions again. Woo hoo!

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